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  3. WhatsApp
  4. Receiving Delivery Reports

Receiving Delivery Reports

WhatsApp Delivery Reports will be delivered to a pre-configured callback URL using the HTTP POST method. You can set up or modify this URL by visiting the following link:


The following parameters will be sent to the configured URL in JSON format:

messageIdstringA unique ID that was previously returned by our API when sending out WhatsApp message
channelstringThe channel type. For the case of WhatsApp, the value will always be set to “whatsapp”
recipientintegerThe recipient’s mobile number
statusstringThe status of the message sent to the recipient.

Possible values:
• processed
• sent
• delivered
• read
• failed
• expired
• exceeded_retry
reasonCodeintegerIf the message failed to deliver, this parameter will provide additional information on the failure
messageTimestampstring The creation date and time of this report on GENIQ platform in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
providerTimestampstringThe creation date and time of this report on the Meta platform in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)

Sample callback

  "messageId": "0c5b63cf-b41e-449c-a077-9124de0b87dc",
  "recipient": "6588880000",
  "status": "delivered",
  "reasonCode": "0",
  "channel": "whatsapp",
  "messageTimestamp": "2025-02-20T15:23:56+08:00",
  "providerTimestamp": "2025-02-20T15:23:55+08:00"

#Note: Your platform should respond with HTTP Status Code 200 (OK). Otherwise, the same message will be delivered again.